Source code for baudot.core

Core encoding/decoding logic of the library

from io import TextIOBase, StringIO
from typing import Optional

from .handlers import BaudotReader, BaudotWriter
from .codecs import BaudotCodec, Shift

[docs]def encode(stream: TextIOBase, codec: BaudotCodec, writer: BaudotWriter): """ Encode unicode characters from an input stream to an output writer, using the given codec. :param stream: Unicode character stream to encode (can be a file) :param codec: Codec to use for encoding :param writer: Writer instance for the wanted output format """ state: Optional[Shift] = None buffer = [] while True: char = if not char: # TextIOBase returns empty character on EOF break code, new_state = codec.encode(char, state) buffer.append(code) if new_state != state: state_code, _ = codec.encode(new_state, None) buffer.append(state_code) state = new_state while buffer: writer.write(buffer.pop(-1))
[docs]def encode_str(chars: str, codec: BaudotCodec, writer: BaudotWriter): """ Encode unicode characters from an input string to an output writer, using the given codec. :param chars: Unicode string to encode :param codec: Codec to use for encoding :param writer: Writer instance for the wanted output format """ with StringIO(chars) as stream: encode(stream, codec, writer)
[docs]def decode(reader: BaudotReader, codec: BaudotCodec, stream: TextIOBase): """ Decode a baudot code stream from a reader to a unicode stream, using a given codec. :param reader: Reader instance that will read codes from an input :param codec: Codec to use for decoding :param stream: Unicode stream to write to (can be a file) """ state: Optional[Shift] = None for code in reader: value = codec.decode(code, state) if isinstance(value, Shift): state = value else: stream.write(value)
[docs]def decode_to_str(reader: BaudotReader, codec: BaudotCodec) -> str: """ Decode a baudot code stream from a reader to a unicode string, using a given codec. :param reader: Reader instance that will read codes from an input :param codec: Codec to use for decoding :return: Decoded Unicode string """ with StringIO('') as stream: decode(reader, codec, stream) return stream.getvalue()